Well, well, well...
Lindsay dropped the ball on being
on top of her A-Game when it came to blogging...
What a surprise.
I am making a New Year's Resolution to blog AT LEAST once a month.
If I'm really great, I'll do it once a week... We'll see.
What has gone on since July? Well, a lot. A lot a lot!
I got a p r e c i o u s new nephew ::
Cohen Preston Perkes
Born September 27, 2012
7 pounds 12 ounces
I could hold this baby non-stop.
He is the sweetest, happiest baby you could ever meet.
Having to live an hour away from this babe is torture.
6 months has never gone by faster! ::
Daren and I celebrated 6 short months of our
h a p p i l y e v e r a f t e r
together in November.
I walked downstairs on Friday, November 16th
to that adorable note hanging across the entryway to the kitchen.
He surprised me with a weekend getaway to P A R K C I T Y.
We stayed in the Newport Resort and felt like a million bucks.
Our room had a jacuzzi tub,
a fireplace at the foot of our bed,
a full blown beautiful kitchen,
and our own balcony, complete with our own private hot tub.
It was absolutely perfect.
Thanks to an amazing man for the huge surprise!
...It's the l i t t l e t h i n g s.
My brother got his Mission Call ::
He will serve as a missionary of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
in the Chile Santiago West Mission.
He is excited to report to the MTC on
March 13, 2013.
As a sister, I could not be more proud.
This boy started on his papers just m o m e n t s
after the Church announced missionaries
could serve at the age of 18,
and one short month later, he received his call.
I've been teaching school for 4 months already! ::
Wow. These children are my life.
I l o v e every last one of them like my own.
With the events that happened just a short week ago at
Sandy Hook Elementary in Conneticut,
I am competely grateful for the chance to see every one
of these beautiful faces every day.
I do not know what I would do without their
s w e e t souls in my life.
Daren and I are about to spend our f i r s t Christmas together as a married couple ::
How exciting! This is a picture of our t r e e...
I absolutely love it. And it looks even better with all of our
presents underneath it! I have always loved Christmas,
but it is s o o o much better when you're married.
I bet it'll be even better when we have kiddos... But that'll be a while!
Life is a lot of fun right now, to say the least!
Although this is my blog for Daren and I, I've also decided to incorporate things that I do in my classroom, as a teacher. I use Instagram and Facebook to share my fun Kindergarten life with those close to me, but I think that keeping a blog about it is a
little more personal and a little more important.
So throughout my posts about our lives,
you may see an occasional teacher post...
Just love it.
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